all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 2UT 10 0 53.197697 -0.532698
LN4 2TG 0 53.198197 -0.532426
LN4 2FW 20 0 53.166552 -0.410716
LN4 2FX 1 0 53.183369 -0.424073
LN4 2FY 4 0 53.166182 -0.422159
LN4 2FZ 1 1 53.199671 -0.538573
LN4 3AA 3 53.140648 -0.4017
LN4 3AB 0 53.140972 -0.402723
LN4 3AE 0 53.14047 -0.398794
LN4 3AF 0 53.141602 -0.400756
LN4 3AH 2 53.161252 -0.335676
LN4 3AJ 0 53.163063 -0.327618
LN4 3AL 0 53.160033 -0.30941
LN4 3AN 1 53.138236 -0.324947
LN4 3AP 2 53.176462 -0.318957
LN4 3AQ 1 53.144905 -0.390642
LN4 3AR 0 53.14007 -0.39715
LN4 3AW 0 53.168039 -0.306929
LN4 3AZ 1 53.128887 -0.406201
LN4 3BA 0 53.128561 -0.407349