all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 3QQ 0 53.070087 -0.410433
LN4 3QR 0 53.117584 -0.327755
LN4 3QS 0 53.124267 -0.326719
LN4 3QT 8 53.124409 -0.32208
LN4 3QU 0 53.12381 -0.321715
LN4 3QX 0 53.124286 -0.315928
LN4 3QY 3 53.124859 -0.32043
LN4 3QZ 0 53.125634 -0.323748
LN4 3RA 1 53.129796 -0.327969
LN4 3RB 1 53.124802 -0.332123
LN4 3RD 0 53.124955 -0.336631
LN4 3RF 0 53.13011 -0.28519
LN4 3RG 1 53.117736 -0.287224
LN4 3RH 0 53.112336 -0.272513
LN4 3RJ 0 53.10233 -0.322805
LN4 3RL 0 53.123992 -0.321185
LN4 3RN 0 53.124535 -0.328502
LN4 3RQ 0 53.116543 -0.241903
LN4 3RR 0 53.129503 -0.331041
LN4 3RT 0 53.112854 -0.326355