all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 3RU 0 53.112511 -0.327534
LN4 3RX 1 53.111885 -0.32844
LN4 3RY 0 53.111742 -0.330402
LN4 3RZ 0 53.11295 -0.329575
LN4 3SA 1 53.113142 -0.331499
LN4 3SB 1 53.110118 -0.327432
LN4 3SD 2 53.112123 -0.323825
LN4 3SE 0 53.112787 -0.325416
LN4 3SL 0 53.103743 -0.331862
LN4 3SN 6 53.096856 -0.315397
LN4 3SR 0 53.094067 -0.313777
LN4 3SS 0 53.092691 -0.313742
LN4 3ST 2 53.091723 -0.31714
LN4 3SU 0 53.092314 -0.31758
LN4 3SW 1 53.093594 -0.312123
LN4 3SX 1 53.093729 -0.315329
LN4 3SY 4 53.094396 -0.314825
LN4 3SZ 1 53.095581 -0.311071
LN4 3TA 0 53.094953 -0.310323
LN4 3TB 0 53.095533 -0.308747