all postcodes in LN5 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN5 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN5 0HR 0 53.097497 -0.529762
LN5 0HS 0 53.09721 -0.530518
LN5 0HT 0 53.096701 -0.530834
LN5 0HU 0 53.097847 -0.532958
LN5 0HW 2 53.098266 -0.532689
LN5 0HX 6 53.096954 -0.533096
LN5 0HY 3 53.098227 -0.534248
LN5 0JA 0 53.098608 -0.535635
LN5 0JB 0 53.098222 -0.53644
LN5 0JE 0 53.097768 -0.536429
LN5 0JF 0 53.097483 -0.536648
LN5 0JH 0 53.098748 -0.529884
LN5 0JJ 1 53.103518 -0.526297
LN5 0JN 0 53.103694 -0.527773
LN5 0JP 0 53.099048 -0.531591
LN5 0JQ 0 53.098664 -0.531051
LN5 0JR 0 53.096616 -0.52906
LN5 0JW 0 53.104688 -0.526783
LN5 0JY 0 53.110776 -0.519983
LN5 0JZ 0 53.11036 -0.518746