all postcodes in LN5 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN5 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN5 0LA 1 53.114958 -0.527074
LN5 0LB 0 53.119997 -0.52889
LN5 0LD 0 53.11734 -0.523377
LN5 0LE 0 53.119237 -0.528853
LN5 0LF 0 53.120374 -0.531014
LN5 0LG 1 53.121881 -0.532603
LN5 0LH 0 53.110711 -0.532553
LN5 0LJ 0 53.108367 -0.549634
LN5 0LL 0 53.11759 -0.560333
LN5 0LN 0 53.111437 -0.588536
LN5 0LP 0 53.092169 -0.563858
LN5 0LQ 0 53.121689 -0.529744
LN5 0LS 0 53.12072 -0.529224
LN5 0LW 0 53.104606 -0.58597
LN5 0LZ 3 53.075577 -0.557424
LN5 0NA 0 53.075449 -0.558741
LN5 0NB 0 53.077927 -0.55443
LN5 0ND 2 53.078615 -0.555889
LN5 0NE 0 53.079462 -0.554591
LN5 0NF 0 53.077559 -0.557059