all postcodes in LN8 / MARKET RASEN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN8 3PL 1 0 53.434108 -0.40265
LN8 3PN 5 0 53.439717 -0.403991
LN8 3PP 5 2 53.442973 -0.405435
LN8 3PR 41 4 53.4371 -0.399874
LN8 3PS 6 0 53.432771 -0.434391
LN8 3PT 3 0 53.432973 -0.424174
LN8 3PU 14 0 53.420397 -0.418078
LN8 3PW 14 0 53.438824 -0.406433
LN8 3PX 5 0 53.445694 -0.403255
LN8 3QE 16 3 53.380413 -0.33487
LN8 3QF 1 0 53.370401 -0.333773
LN8 3QG 29 1 53.363286 -0.334771
LN8 3QH 1 0 53.348165 -0.318715
LN8 3QJ 7 1 53.345679 -0.326024
LN8 3QL 26 1 53.338076 -0.31025
LN8 3QN 4 0 53.348845 -0.303214
LN8 3QP 12 0 53.357835 -0.293811
LN8 3QQ 6 0 53.352919 -0.334019
LN8 3QR 3 0 53.356335 -0.279101
LN8 3QS 3 0 53.361655 -0.269418