all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2FZ 12 0 53.322314 -0.666973
LN1 2GR 14 0 53.272243 -0.669446
LN1 2GU 8 0 53.268313 -0.65084
LN1 2GW 6 0 53.268685 -0.650393
LN1 2GY 6 0 53.268464 -0.651495
LN1 2HA 50 7 53.268669 -0.664129
LN1 2HB 6 2 53.26771 -0.663589
LN1 2HD 2 0 53.268134 -0.662602
LN1 2HE 8 0 53.268276 -0.662776
LN1 2HG 20 3 53.271095 -0.664788
LN1 2HH 32 2 53.273047 -0.660108
LN1 2HJ 26 0 53.27293 -0.661672
LN1 2HL 9 0 53.273272 -0.656967
LN1 2HN 48 0 53.271486 -0.655598
LN1 2HP 32 0 53.271388 -0.65965
LN1 2HQ 9 0 53.271441 -0.663577
LN1 2HR 6 0 53.267151 -0.660233
LN1 2HS 8 0 53.271442 -0.658059
LN1 2HT 10 0 53.269628 -0.663064
LN1 2HU 25 0 53.270636 -0.661533