all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2JX 16 1 53.272528 -0.748931
LN1 2JY 12 0 53.27175 -0.74504
LN1 2JZ 32 3 53.273529 -0.745768
LN1 2LA 3 0 53.274686 -0.746349
LN1 2LB 11 1 53.276939 -0.749447
LN1 2GZ 19 0 53.273041 -0.730201
LN1 2LD 15 2 53.259099 -0.719056
LN1 2LE 2 0 53.266866 -0.733398
LN1 2LF 4 0 53.273221 -0.716024
LN1 2LG 11 0 53.271503 -0.746307
LN1 2LH 12 0 53.258266 -0.755284
LN1 2LJ 2 1 53.255734 -0.752164
LN1 2LL 3 0 53.255286 -0.753991
LN1 2LN 30 3 53.266933 -0.661619
LN1 2LP 34 3 53.267449 -0.660074
LN1 2LQ 8 0 53.27083 -0.746387
LN1 2LR 52 45 53.261835 -0.637461
LN1 2LS 14 0 53.300782 -0.743769
LN1 2LT 2 0 53.262548 -0.628263
LN1 2LU 36 0 53.265565 -0.667074