all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2YN 1 0 53.316048 -0.607138
LN1 2YP 3 1 53.333946 -0.57742
LN1 2YQ 13 5 53.338371 -0.562629
LN1 2YR 6 0 53.33883 -0.578822
LN1 2YU 17 0 53.25738 -0.754785
LN1 2YW 18 1 53.33984 -0.577945
LN1 2YX 16 0 53.31613 -0.662212
LN1 2YY 4 0 53.334431 -0.577374
LN1 2YZ 12 1 53.30038 -0.745716
LN1 2ZT 1 1 53.267654 -0.662302
LN1 2ZU 1 1 53.26231 -0.749709
LN1 2UA 6 5 53.250572 -0.601276
LN1 2RA 28 0 53.27087 -0.669579
LN1 2GJ 5 0 53.258819 -0.752299
LN1 2GD 0 53.291058 -0.74203
LN1 2TU 10 53.24955 -0.596198
LN1 2TS 13 0 53.249522 -0.596094
LN1 2ST 1 1 53.300537 -0.542081
LN1 2BJ 0 53.299718 -0.737513
LN1 2AT 0 53.314908 -0.666288