all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2XF 56 1 53.336945 -0.57717
LN1 2XH 3 0 53.338108 -0.577402
LN1 2XJ 21 0 53.339081 -0.576859
LN1 2XL 9 0 53.339561 -0.576437
LN1 2XN 8 0 53.339994 -0.576498
LN1 2XP 3 0 53.339686 -0.575547
LN1 2XQ 23 0 53.336143 -0.577752
LN1 2XR 4 0 53.340197 -0.577753
LN1 2XS 4 0 53.339223 -0.578206
LN1 2XT 43 3 53.339961 -0.580524
LN1 2XW 7 0 53.34051 -0.574573
LN1 2XX 2 0 53.340187 -0.581045
LN1 2XY 32 0 53.340583 -0.583748
LN1 2XZ 4 0 53.340762 -0.582886
LN1 2YA 5 0 53.341251 -0.584687
LN1 2YB 6 0 53.34071 -0.586853
LN1 2YD 34 0 53.341212 -0.577644
LN1 2YE 11 0 53.339629 -0.573836
LN1 2YG 1 0 53.339826 -0.572959
LN1 2YH 8 2 53.327584 -0.56454