all postcodes in LS1 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS1 5AA 20 17 53.797889 -1.54539
LS1 5AB 1 1 53.797194 -1.54687
LS1 5AH 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS1 5AP 6 4 53.798733 -1.545259
LS1 5AS 1 1 53.79929 -1.545223
LS1 5AW 3 3 53.798435 -1.545373
LS1 5BA 4 0 53.795182 -1.545378
LS1 5BJ 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS1 5BN 1 1 53.798523 -1.549087
LS1 5BQ 7 5 53.797709 -1.545973
LS1 5BW 1 1 53.798604 -1.549056
LS1 5DA 7 5 53.795771 -1.546141
LS1 5DD 1 0 53.796222 -1.546592
LS1 5DE 5 5 53.795557 -1.544413
LS1 5DL 9 5 53.795378 -1.545118
LS1 5DQ 8 7 53.795319 -1.545494
LS1 5DY 4 3 53.795349 -1.546298
LS1 5JS 8 7 53.798716 -1.545826
LS1 5EB 2 2 53.797459 -1.546295
LS1 5EL 8 4 53.795928 -1.545522