all postcodes in LS10 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS10 2AB 3 1 53.770722 -1.523183
LS10 2AD 13 1 53.781852 -1.530766
LS10 2AF 14 1 53.78125 -1.530925
LS10 2AE 26 0 53.782561 -1.530546
LS10 2AP 22 17 53.778887 -1.52869
LS10 2AR 9 5 53.779179 -1.527579
LS10 2AS 5 4 53.778361 -1.534907
LS10 2AT 3 2 53.77893 -1.531168
LS10 2AY 1 1 53.779046 -1.532619
LS10 2AZ 1 1 53.777957 -1.532236
LS10 2BB 10 6 53.776454 -1.534104
LS10 2BG 9 6 53.777612 -1.533651
LS10 2BR 9 8 53.774445 -1.532867
LS10 2DD 1 1 53.77253 -1.537364
LS10 2DF 5 0 53.769756 -1.531341
LS10 2DH 6 1 53.771963 -1.530714
LS10 2DJ 3 2 53.772075 -1.53124
LS10 2DN 13 2 53.772282 -1.529052
LS10 2DP 17 0 53.771769 -1.528952
LS10 2DQ 13 0 53.771172 -1.530324