all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 7DF 65 11 53.765952 -1.56177
LS11 7DG 78 1 53.772739 -1.552095
LS11 7DH 54 1 53.772339 -1.550885
LS11 7DJ 16 4 53.771004 -1.5501
LS11 7DL 42 4 53.774088 -1.55246
LS11 7DN 31 0 53.774192 -1.553779
LS11 7DP 29 1 53.773747 -1.552524
LS11 7DQ 14 0 53.771222 -1.55023
LS11 7DR 20 0 53.772143 -1.551509
LS11 7DS 52 0 53.772313 -1.551234
LS11 7DT 26 0 53.772761 -1.553248
LS11 7DU 9 0 53.772787 -1.552944
LS11 7DW 10 0 53.772986 -1.553291
LS11 7DX 40 0 53.772517 -1.552977
LS11 7DY 22 0 53.772121 -1.552693
LS11 7DZ 26 0 53.771949 -1.552452
LS11 7EA 28 0 53.771904 -1.552422
LS11 7EB 30 0 53.771516 -1.551986
LS11 7ED 32 0 53.77138 -1.551715
LS11 7EE 9 0 53.771082 -1.551293