all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 7JL 39 1 53.773571 -1.563299
LS11 7JN 85 0 53.773022 -1.563031
LS11 7JP 25 0 53.772205 -1.563374
LS11 7JQ 15 0 53.772187 -1.560977
LS11 7JR 40 0 53.772035 -1.563649
LS11 7JS 31 1 53.771506 -1.563882
LS11 7JT 25 0 53.772945 -1.564216
LS11 7JW 43 0 53.773241 -1.564046
LS11 7JX 26 10 53.76694 -1.55648
LS11 7LA 18 0 53.767305 -1.558054
LS11 7LB 20 0 53.767257 -1.559541
LS11 7LD 10 0 53.766802 -1.558135
LS11 7LE 26 0 53.766742 -1.55894
LS11 7LF 2 0 53.766897 -1.560035
LS11 7LG 10 0 53.765951 -1.558903
LS11 7LH 12 0 53.766087 -1.559114
LS11 7LJ 7 5 53.764792 -1.561509
LS11 7LL 24 0 53.765822 -1.560603
LS11 7LN 21 0 53.765884 -1.560162
LS11 7LP 2 0 53.766384 -1.559767