all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 8HE 30 0 53.763774 -1.568331
LS11 8HF 30 0 53.764015 -1.567903
LS11 8HG 55 0 53.763895 -1.569331
LS11 8HH 50 0 53.764011 -1.566796
LS11 8HJ 11 0 53.764723 -1.569823
LS11 8HL 37 0 53.763344 -1.571065
LS11 8HP 8 0 53.765715 -1.568739
LS11 8HQ 32 0 53.764112 -1.567341
LS11 8HR 36 0 53.767137 -1.568615
LS11 8HS 63 1 53.766561 -1.571002
LS11 8HT 40 0 53.767747 -1.568381
LS11 8HU 8 0 53.76691 -1.568132
LS11 8HW 2 0 53.764992 -1.570097
LS11 8HX 28 0 53.7674 -1.566791
LS11 8HY 40 0 53.766316 -1.567728
LS11 8HZ 4 0 53.781756 -1.552788
LS11 8JA 28 0 53.780758 -1.55506
LS11 8JB 49 0 53.782367 -1.555194
LS11 8JE 24 0 53.781894 -1.55353
LS11 8JG 3 3 53.77839 -1.566117