all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 8JH 55 0 53.763366 -1.572233
LS11 8JL 17 0 53.779742 -1.559896
LS11 8JN 6 0 53.780218 -1.559815
LS11 8JP 21 0 53.770914 -1.574174
LS11 8JQ 20 0 53.771321 -1.574883
LS11 8JR 2 0 53.772701 -1.569518
LS11 8JT 7 6 53.779032 -1.564805
LS11 8JW 21 0 53.779311 -1.560068
LS11 8JY 5 2 53.78391 -1.551976
LS11 8LA 38 0 53.781334 -1.55513
LS11 8LB 6 0 53.780742 -1.555606
LS11 8LD 64 0 53.780967 -1.558153
LS11 8LE 63 0 53.780898 -1.556561
LS11 8LF 12 0 53.781945 -1.555078
LS11 8LL 79 67 53.757854 -1.57414
LS11 8LQ 4 4 53.767584 -1.575513
LS11 8LS 1 1 53.757854 -1.57414
LS11 8LT 1 1 53.757854 -1.57414
LS11 8LU 23 19 53.757854 -1.57414
LS11 8LZ 6 5 53.76755 -1.573586