all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 9QJ 20 0 53.785084 -1.553253
LS11 9QQ 12 0 53.785708 -1.554385
LS11 9QU 19 0 53.786046 -1.555839
LS11 9QX 9 1 53.78483 -1.555275
LS11 9QY 11 1 53.785326 -1.560582
LS11 9RD 1 1 53.78526 -1.564635
LS11 9RE 25 2 53.785821 -1.563232
LS11 9RF 1 1 53.786153 -1.565582
LS11 9RH 8 0 53.783378 -1.564173
LS11 9RJ 1 1 53.789134 -1.559677
LS11 9RQ 16 4 53.785762 -1.564129
LS11 9RR 1 0 53.788837 -1.564522
LS11 9RT 79 42 53.787726 -1.56601
LS11 9RU 5 3 53.789177 -1.566643
LS11 9RY 2 1 53.787702 -1.551526
LS11 9RZ 3 2 53.789381 -1.551664
LS11 9SA 34 0 53.786808 -1.56257
LS11 9SB 22 0 53.786936 -1.563312
LS11 9SD 15 0 53.786413 -1.562816
LS11 9SE 30 0 53.786153 -1.563092