all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 9YJ 20 20 53.790728 -1.55336
LS11 9YW 13 6 53.790568 -1.556079
LS11 9BH 2 53.787317 -1.547098
LS11 9BE 0 53.7899 -1.548026
LS11 9AR 6 6 53.789679 -1.547153
LS11 9AW 1 1 53.788785 -1.55027
LS11 9BN 92 0 53.789502 -1.549943
LS11 9BR 76 0 53.789502 -1.549943
LS11 9BT 96 0 53.789502 -1.549943
LS11 9BU 13 0 53.789502 -1.549943
LS11 9UN 1 1 53.790105 -1.560399
LS11 9NF 4 53.784808 -1.554197
LS11 9NE 1 53.786584 -1.560462
LS11 9PB 0 53.786987 -1.560003
LS11 9AG 1 53.789435 -1.551113
LS11 9PA 0 53.783866 -1.559428
LS11 9PD 0 53.783704 -1.559415
LS11 9PE 0 53.783623 -1.5594
LS11 9BZ 0 53.785159 -1.556622
LS11 9BQ 0 53.78531 -1.556135