all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS12 4BA 0 53.785625 -1.583861
LS12 4BB 0 53.784829 -1.582351
LS12 4BD 3 53.791893 -1.585411
LS12 4BE 0 53.785298 -1.587992
LS12 4BN 0 53.785439 -1.587201
LS12 4BF 1 53.792547 -1.586874
LS12 4BG 0 53.790156 -1.584013
LS12 4BH 0 53.790385 -1.585514
LS12 4BJ 0 53.789999 -1.585396
LS12 4BL 0 53.790016 -1.585305
LS12 4BP 0 53.789214 -1.584705
LS12 4BR 2 53.789032 -1.58459
LS12 4BS 0 53.788677 -1.585242
LS12 4BU 0 53.787963 -1.584217
LS12 4BW 0 53.789434 -1.585766
LS12 4BX 0 53.787226 -1.584209
LS12 4BY 0 53.786685 -1.583668
LS12 4BZ 0 53.786809 -1.583211
LS12 4DA 0 53.78824 -1.583789
LS12 4DD 0 53.790018 -1.580751