all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS12 4DE 0 53.787957 -1.582502
LS12 4DF 0 53.788001 -1.582107
LS12 4DG 0 53.788345 -1.582771
LS12 4DS 0 53.788834 -1.581875
LS12 4DJ 0 53.789401 -1.581455
LS12 4DL 0 53.788532 -1.58239
LS12 4DN 0 53.788503 -1.581692
LS12 4DP 0 53.78834 -1.581527
LS12 4DQ 0 53.790546 -1.582658
LS12 4DR 0 53.789317 -1.580591
LS12 4DT 0 53.790965 -1.584051
LS12 4DW 0 53.788807 -1.581188
LS12 4DX 4 53.78911 -1.583128
LS12 4DY 0 53.789601 -1.582319
LS12 4DZ 0 53.789621 -1.582774
LS12 4EA 0 53.789621 -1.58285
LS12 4EB 0 53.789364 -1.583733
LS12 4EE 0 53.78894 -1.588564
LS12 4EF 0 53.790615 -1.584434
LS12 4EG 0 53.784772 -1.581441