all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

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Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
LS12 6JR053.771696-1.622733
LS12 6JS053.774679-1.61949
LS12 6JT053.775222-1.620562
LS12 6JU053.777817-1.611556
LS12 6JW153.781242-1.595164
LS12 6JX053.77982-1.605391
LS12 6JZ053.778118-1.604618
LS12 6LA053.780985-1.596411
LS12 6LB153.780807-1.599706
LS12 6LD053.780226-1.600561
LS12 6LG153.786835-1.572723
LS12 6LL353.78114-1.589156
LS12 6LQ053.785066-1.575686
LS12 6LS453.777053-1.587162
LS12 6LX553.777171-1.580367
LS12 6LY153.780924-1.581236
LS12 6LZ253.769656-1.598466
LS12 6NJ453.776584-1.582194
LS12 6QA453.780901-1.58039
LS12 6QB153.78124-1.581688