all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

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Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS12 6ER 18 53.781881 -1.587661
LS12 6ET 1 53.782609 -1.574648
LS12 6EW 1 53.783931 -1.580557
LS12 6EZ 2 53.784216 -1.579413
LS12 6HA 0 53.774711 -1.621037
LS12 6EY 3 53.774221 -1.587069
LS12 6HB 1 53.771999 -1.627647
LS12 6HD 8 53.789313 -1.569268
LS12 6HF 2 53.788842 -1.568927
LS12 6HG 2 53.78713 -1.57025
LS12 6HH 7 53.781468 -1.56994
LS12 6HJ 1 53.78758 -1.572336
LS12 6HL 1 53.787926 -1.56924
LS12 6HQ 2 53.781067 -1.571481
LS12 6HU 1 53.77844 -1.593173
LS12 6JH 1 53.768397 -1.6371
LS12 6JJ 2 53.768066 -1.638533
LS12 6JL 0 53.769692 -1.634206
LS12 6JN 0 53.771672 -1.626314
LS12 6JP 0 53.773731 -1.607728