all postcodes in LS13 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS13 3BH 28 0 53.806927 -1.6337
LS13 3BP 13 0 53.806813 -1.634673
LS13 3BQ 18 0 53.806954 -1.624983
LS13 3BS 13 1 53.806366 -1.635163
LS13 3BU 18 0 53.814176 -1.638056
LS13 3BX 4 0 53.814578 -1.637111
LS13 3BY 16 0 53.81403 -1.637359
LS13 3BZ 3 0 53.814301 -1.637752
LS13 3DA 10 0 53.813343 -1.639036
LS13 3DB 31 0 53.813242 -1.638262
LS13 3DD 2 0 53.813497 -1.640406
LS13 3DE 16 0 53.813869 -1.64058
LS13 3DF 28 1 53.814473 -1.638251
LS13 3DH 32 0 53.809267 -1.643535
LS13 3DJ 57 0 53.809712 -1.639067
LS13 3DL 8 0 53.810092 -1.639762
LS13 3DN 9 0 53.808616 -1.642402
LS13 3DP 55 1 53.810031 -1.643514
LS13 3DQ 68 0 53.809003 -1.639589
LS13 3DR 28 0 53.809747 -1.644731