all postcodes in LS13 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS13 3PQ 8 0 53.810852 -1.63561
LS13 3PS 42 0 53.807389 -1.634744
LS13 3PT 31 1 53.807381 -1.635215
LS13 3PU 26 0 53.8081 -1.635178
LS13 3PW 20 0 53.809388 -1.636017
LS13 3PX 12 0 53.808793 -1.635476
LS13 3PY 4 0 53.808434 -1.635464
LS13 3PZ 8 0 53.808579 -1.635857
LS13 3QA 8 0 53.808345 -1.635981
LS13 3QB 8 0 53.808166 -1.636088
LS13 3QD 8 0 53.808023 -1.636302
LS13 3QE 14 0 53.807178 -1.63634
LS13 3QF 10 0 53.807673 -1.636488
LS13 3QG 9 0 53.807511 -1.636626
LS13 3QH 7 0 53.807189 -1.636917
LS13 3QJ 10 0 53.807153 -1.636963
LS13 3QL 10 0 53.806875 -1.637223
LS13 3QN 5 0 53.806848 -1.637269
LS13 3QP 28 0 53.807078 -1.635992
LS13 3QR 13 0 53.80706 -1.635931