all postcodes in LS16 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS16 5LP 13 0 53.834412 -1.594303
LS16 5LQ 31 10 53.832561 -1.59195
LS16 5LR 2 0 53.834203 -1.594309
LS16 5LS 3 2 53.827738 -1.582335
LS16 5LT 2 1 53.828212 -1.58244
LS16 5LU 8 0 53.827718 -1.581849
LS16 5LX 4 2 53.828778 -1.581671
LS16 5LY 5 0 53.834173 -1.598225
LS16 5LZ 47 0 53.829264 -1.579357
LS16 5NA 10 0 53.828507 -1.581309
LS16 5NB 35 0 53.829653 -1.57993
LS16 5ND 25 0 53.829755 -1.575857
LS16 5NE 45 0 53.829735 -1.575113
LS16 5NF 24 0 53.831258 -1.579063
LS16 5NG 10 0 53.831809 -1.579741
LS16 5NH 15 0 53.830126 -1.581627
LS16 5NJ 11 0 53.830802 -1.58475
LS16 5NL 17 0 53.830491 -1.58334
LS16 5NP 18 0 53.831955 -1.582992
LS16 5NQ 11 0 53.832259 -1.580026