all postcodes in LS16 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS16 5NR 8 0 53.832481 -1.582185
LS16 5NS 13 0 53.833193 -1.582159
LS16 5NT 29 0 53.833577 -1.584252
LS16 5NU 11 0 53.833926 -1.583777
LS16 5NW 14 1 53.830318 -1.582674
LS16 5NX 2 0 53.833814 -1.583069
LS16 5NY 11 0 53.834483 -1.5809
LS16 5NZ 9 0 53.835457 -1.581863
LS16 5PA 3 1 53.836074 -1.583543
LS16 5PB 9 0 53.838404 -1.58428
LS16 5PG 17 0 53.839722 -1.58331
LS16 5PD 36 0 53.839206 -1.582281
LS16 5PE 5 0 53.837978 -1.580531
LS16 5PF 1 1 53.840628 -1.58017
LS16 5PH 2 1 53.842465 -1.584336
LS16 5PJ 6 0 53.841062 -1.583585
LS16 5PL 37 0 53.840036 -1.585632
LS16 5PN 32 0 53.840448 -1.585232
LS16 5PQ 9 0 53.840652 -1.581948
LS16 5PR 1 1 53.834342 -1.58973