all postcodes in LS16 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS16 6DB 15 0 53.851775 -1.612863
LS16 6DD 13 0 53.851612 -1.615236
LS16 6DE 15 0 53.851128 -1.615757
LS16 6DF 23 0 53.850175 -1.618593
LS16 6DG 12 0 53.848982 -1.622237
LS16 6DH 30 0 53.849972 -1.616862
LS16 6DJ 29 1 53.848961 -1.618133
LS16 6DL 18 0 53.84926 -1.619073
LS16 6DN 44 1 53.847381 -1.618968
LS16 6DP 54 0 53.846392 -1.618886
LS16 6DQ 11 0 53.849672 -1.618704
LS16 6DR 14 0 53.847583 -1.617401
LS16 6DS 16 0 53.847044 -1.617497
LS16 6DT 12 0 53.846219 -1.618112
LS16 6DU 8 0 53.846506 -1.620648
LS16 6DW 19 0 53.848143 -1.618156
LS16 6DX 33 2 53.847814 -1.619496
LS16 6DY 4 0 53.849193 -1.620578
LS16 6DZ 19 0 53.848621 -1.621587
LS16 6EA 55 1 53.847326 -1.621325