all postcodes in LS16 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS16 6EB 26 26 53.838825 -1.610581
LS16 6ED 18 0 53.839098 -1.595215
LS16 6EE 37 1 53.848089 -1.626775
LS16 6EF 8 0 53.847719 -1.626231
LS16 6EG 7 0 53.847088 -1.625841
LS16 6EH 18 0 53.847416 -1.627237
LS16 6EJ 22 0 53.837681 -1.596247
LS16 6EL 16 0 53.838586 -1.600675
LS16 6EN 50 0 53.840812 -1.602584
LS16 6EP 4 0 53.841353 -1.603081
LS16 6EQ 13 0 53.847238 -1.627573
LS16 6ER 9 1 53.841888 -1.60186
LS16 6ES 26 0 53.841311 -1.603886
LS16 6ET 23 0 53.840422 -1.60432
LS16 6EU 16 0 53.841475 -1.604782
LS16 6EW 14 0 53.84102 -1.603038
LS16 6EX 29 0 53.841576 -1.605434
LS16 6EY 15 0 53.839531 -1.595788
LS16 6EZ 32 0 53.838472 -1.596193
LS16 6HA 17 0 53.839578 -1.596502