all postcodes in LS17 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS17 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS17 5BA 0 53.840557 -1.546007
LS17 5BB 0 53.841075 -1.54509
LS17 5BD 0 53.841158 -1.545697
LS17 5BE 0 53.84119 -1.546836
LS17 5BG 0 53.841014 -1.547902
LS17 5BH 0 53.840359 -1.548122
LS17 5BJ 0 53.838616 -1.548292
LS17 5BL 0 53.836688 -1.549438
LS17 5BN 0 53.839058 -1.548774
LS17 5BP 0 53.843688 -1.546764
LS17 5BQ 0 53.84058 -1.547101
LS17 5BR 0 53.844397 -1.548945
LS17 5BS 0 53.843916 -1.547612
LS17 5BT 0 53.842924 -1.546665
LS17 5BU 0 53.841907 -1.546494
LS17 5BW 0 53.83695 -1.549845
LS17 5BX 0 53.839712 -1.550515
LS17 5BY 0 53.839573 -1.549452
LS17 5BZ 0 53.838626 -1.551164
LS17 5DA 0 53.83865 -1.550374