all postcodes in LS17 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS17 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS17 5DB 0 53.838405 -1.552048
LS17 5DD 0 53.836723 -1.551732
LS17 5DE 0 53.837361 -1.551786
LS17 5DF 0 53.837718 -1.550901
LS17 5DG 0 53.837448 -1.550782
LS17 5DH 3 53.835845 -1.549979
LS17 5DJ 2 53.835135 -1.550477
LS17 5DL 0 53.833842 -1.550501
LS17 5DN 0 53.832641 -1.551198
LS17 5DP 0 53.83214 -1.551933
LS17 5DQ 0 53.836881 -1.550742
LS17 5DR 1 53.847413 -1.55256
LS17 5DS 0 53.846281 -1.552846
LS17 5DT 1 53.846932 -1.551963
LS17 5DU 0 53.845999 -1.5518
LS17 5DW 0 53.833541 -1.551523
LS17 5DX 0 53.845688 -1.552776
LS17 5DY 0 53.846062 -1.554292
LS17 5DZ 0 53.845965 -1.554703
LS17 5EA 0 53.84532 -1.555425