all postcodes in LS18 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS18 5QY 35 0 53.840335 -1.627573
LS18 5QZ 24 0 53.841909 -1.62803
LS18 5RA 10 0 53.841758 -1.628518
LS18 5RB 54 0 53.840617 -1.628634
LS18 5RE 22 0 53.842966 -1.638553
LS18 5RF 29 3 53.84277 -1.639223
LS18 5RG 8 0 53.845049 -1.640709
LS18 5RH 1 0 53.846665 -1.646182
LS18 5RJ 22 0 53.846092 -1.650078
LS18 5RL 3 0 53.845732 -1.650005
LS18 5RN 41 0 53.847853 -1.64985
LS18 5RP 18 0 53.848782 -1.651043
LS18 5RQ 15 0 53.845135 -1.639659
LS18 5RR 6 0 53.847271 -1.650721
LS18 5RS 30 0 53.84688 -1.652077
LS18 5RT 9 0 53.845615 -1.653076
LS18 5RU 28 0 53.847458 -1.653273
LS18 5RW 25 0 53.846758 -1.650543
LS18 5RX 24 0 53.843155 -1.635831
LS18 5RY 21 0 53.844326 -1.636672