all postcodes in LS18 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS18 5PX 53 4 53.842655 -1.627963
LS18 5PY 44 0 53.842619 -1.630805
LS18 5PZ 52 0 53.840332 -1.629731
LS18 5QA 53 0 53.838701 -1.628134
LS18 5QB 35 0 53.838363 -1.626329
LS18 5QD 30 0 53.83921 -1.627112
LS18 5QE 28 0 53.839278 -1.625835
LS18 5QF 12 0 53.83967 -1.624661
LS18 5QG 21 0 53.840148 -1.625189
LS18 5QH 17 0 53.839891 -1.623565
LS18 5QJ 20 1 53.83956 -1.6241
LS18 5QL 44 0 53.84021 -1.622806
LS18 5QP 16 0 53.841115 -1.624207
LS18 5QQ 22 0 53.840469 -1.624472
LS18 5QR 27 0 53.841638 -1.624537
LS18 5QS 10 0 53.841594 -1.625039
LS18 5QT 43 0 53.840807 -1.626368
LS18 5QU 29 0 53.839711 -1.626545
LS18 5QW 37 7 53.841163 -1.624952
LS18 5QX 36 0 53.840927 -1.627188