all postcodes in LS18 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS18 5NT 9 7 53.846516 -1.632473
LS18 5NU 2 2 53.83837 -1.620068
LS18 5NW 5 0 53.848988 -1.632801
LS18 5NX 8 6 53.846277 -1.631765
LS18 5NY 11 10 53.839796 -1.621924
LS18 5PA 32 14 53.846768 -1.632851
LS18 5PB 12 0 53.842132 -1.654579
LS18 5PE 4 0 53.84299 -1.625756
LS18 5PG 30 0 53.848108 -1.632839
LS18 5PH 5 0 53.84641 -1.633143
LS18 5PJ 3 0 53.846463 -1.632899
LS18 5PL 5 5 53.846104 -1.633221
LS18 5PN 30 0 53.847995 -1.634132
LS18 5PP 38 0 53.848628 -1.635571
LS18 5PQ 30 0 53.847983 -1.633342
LS18 5PR 1 0 53.849944 -1.636593
LS18 5PS 15 0 53.849136 -1.636995
LS18 5PT 27 0 53.848554 -1.637654
LS18 5PU 1 1 53.844052 -1.629394
LS18 5PW 29 1 53.847943 -1.634741