all postcodes in LS20 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS20 8PH 3 1 53.87456 -1.768098
LS20 8PJ 3 0 53.87506 -1.764563
LS20 8PL 2 0 53.879819 -1.768221
LS20 8PN 1 0 53.879525 -1.777711
LS20 8PP 2 1 53.873484 -1.722689
LS20 8PQ 100 1 53.868373 -1.769056
LS20 8PS 5 4 53.872587 -1.711958
LS20 8PT 3 0 53.868635 -1.719159
LS20 8PU 12 0 53.868113 -1.711057
LS20 8PW 2 0 53.881705 -1.777048
LS20 8PX 30 0 53.868791 -1.708985
LS20 8PY 7 0 53.86798 -1.712062
LS20 8PZ 7 0 53.875391 -1.721624
LS20 8QA 34 0 53.870005 -1.709463
LS20 8QB 9 0 53.870367 -1.710479
LS20 8QD 9 0 53.870563 -1.709611
LS20 8QE 13 0 53.87047 -1.708304
LS20 8QF 11 0 53.870058 -1.708793
LS20 8QG 6 0 53.869665 -1.709891
LS20 8QH 9 9 53.871137 -1.709212