all postcodes in LS21 / OTLEY

find any address or company within the LS21 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS21 2HE 22 1 53.929498 -1.707912
LS21 2HF 3 0 53.929833 -1.707616
LS21 2HH 3 0 53.910388 -1.702211
LS21 2HJ 2 0 53.913053 -1.712929
LS21 2HL 1 0 53.913831 -1.717425
LS21 2HN 1 0 53.919362 -1.719017
LS21 2HP 5 0 53.918705 -1.730289
LS21 2HQ 13 0 53.909606 -1.706007
LS21 2HR 3 0 53.918865 -1.729405
LS21 2HS 6 0 53.923799 -1.725246
LS21 2HT 2 0 53.932145 -1.713438
LS21 2HU 3 0 53.93263 -1.727442
LS21 2HW 2 0 53.919195 -1.729483
LS21 2HX 24 3 53.929947 -1.74176
LS21 2HY 7 0 53.929097 -1.739268
LS21 2HZ 3 0 53.929118 -1.740608
LS21 2JA 1 0 53.927215 -1.742112
LS21 2JB 8 0 53.931387 -1.742741
LS21 2JD 5 0 53.932393 -1.742461
LS21 2JE 2 0 53.93559 -1.738242