all postcodes in LS21 / OTLEY

find any address or company within the LS21 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS21 2JF 4 0 53.942475 -1.737341
LS21 2JG 7 0 53.940346 -1.746068
LS21 2JH 3 0 53.930441 -1.745641
LS21 2JJ 3 0 53.939792 -1.75186
LS21 2JL 2 0 53.930766 -1.748034
LS21 2JN 2 0 53.929718 -1.76295
LS21 2JP 1 0 53.909333 -1.636707
LS21 2JQ 14 1 53.930801 -1.745974
LS21 2JR 4 0 53.909536 -1.643429
LS21 2JS 3 0 53.912391 -1.648489
LS21 2JT 1 0 53.914891 -1.645941
LS21 2JU 8 0 53.91728 -1.648448
LS21 2JX 1 53.919924 -1.648821
LS21 2JY 0 53.922539 -1.648952
LS21 2JZ 0 53.925337 -1.649812
LS21 2LA 0 53.927811 -1.647659
LS21 2LD 0 53.918706 -1.647233
LS21 2LE 0 53.918735 -1.645867
LS21 2LF 0 53.921081 -1.642954
LS21 2LG 0 53.923942 -1.636865