all postcodes in LS22 / WETHERBY

find any address or company within the LS22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS22 6JN 33 0 53.92726 -1.380215
LS22 6JP 48 0 53.926706 -1.377314
LS22 6JR 56 0 53.927732 -1.377589
LS22 6JS 8 4 53.931019 -1.378865
LS22 6JT 33 2 53.930374 -1.377519
LS22 6JW 18 0 53.926927 -1.378362
LS22 6JX 64 0 53.929849 -1.375166
LS22 6JY 67 0 53.931093 -1.375741
LS22 6JZ 26 0 53.930448 -1.376147
LS22 6LA 23 0 53.930576 -1.374805
LS22 6LE 4 3 53.927637 -1.387215
LS22 6LG 2 2 53.927645 -1.387017
LS22 6LH 26 3 53.927185 -1.388394
LS22 6LL 22 21 53.928817 -1.387639
LS22 6LN 16 15 53.928613 -1.386469
LS22 6LP 18 12 53.929064 -1.386676
LS22 6LQ 24 22 53.927932 -1.38711
LS22 6LR 18 13 53.927954 -1.385855
LS22 6LS 1 1 53.928493 -1.385771
LS22 6LT 22 16 53.92771 -1.385493