all postcodes in LS22 / WETHERBY

find any address or company within the LS22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS22 6PD 10 0 53.932093 -1.385063
LS22 6PE 10 0 53.931974 -1.384562
LS22 6PF 4 0 53.931447 -1.38524
LS22 6PG 39 0 53.931394 -1.387038
LS22 6PH 8 0 53.931103 -1.388321
LS22 6PJ 11 0 53.930903 -1.385964
LS22 6PL 7 0 53.932339 -1.38905
LS22 6PN 28 2 53.932693 -1.388304
LS22 6PP 42 0 53.93288 -1.387671
LS22 6PQ 11 0 53.930955 -1.387379
LS22 6PR 21 1 53.934318 -1.389569
LS22 6PS 27 0 53.93405 -1.387989
LS22 6PT 6 0 53.931187 -1.385274
LS22 6PU 15 1 53.929179 -1.388136
LS22 6PW 17 0 53.93263 -1.389883
LS22 6RD 7 6 53.927768 -1.386299
LS22 6RE 27 8 53.927561 -1.384536
LS22 6RF 3 0 53.927083 -1.384253
LS22 6RG 10 5 53.927161 -1.383969
LS22 6RH 22 0 53.926315 -1.381797