all postcodes in LS26 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS26 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS26 0BG 3 0 53.747221 -1.476578
LS26 0BH 19 1 53.746651 -1.473719
LS26 0BJ 17 1 53.745536 -1.471383
LS26 0BL 31 0 53.74515 -1.471494
LS26 0BN 29 0 53.744726 -1.473198
LS26 0BP 24 1 53.74633 -1.476316
LS26 0BQ 2 0 53.747054 -1.475598
LS26 0BR 8 0 53.746184 -1.475757
LS26 0BS 4 1 53.745112 -1.477181
LS26 0BT 2 0 53.738562 -1.473915
LS26 0BU 25 1 53.746418 -1.478154
LS26 0BW 46 0 53.745189 -1.474375
LS26 0BX 11 0 53.745791 -1.478476
LS26 0BY 1 0 53.746691 -1.478586
LS26 0DA 2 1 53.747016 -1.479238
LS26 0DB 6 5 53.747892 -1.47986
LS26 0DE 3 0 53.747419 -1.480624
LS26 0DG 17 0 53.747727 -1.481212
LS26 0DH 27 2 53.746234 -1.481462
LS26 0DJ 30 3 53.745652 -1.481802