all postcodes in LS26 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS26 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS26 0DL 14 0 53.746862 -1.480722
LS26 0DN 22 0 53.74468 -1.481204
LS26 0DP 29 0 53.74558 -1.479419
LS26 0DQ 1 0 53.747501 -1.480881
LS26 0DR 7 0 53.745348 -1.481848
LS26 0DS 7 0 53.74517 -1.482441
LS26 0DU 1 1 53.756395 -1.479983
LS26 0DW 10 0 53.744675 -1.480006
LS26 0DX 3 0 53.748757 -1.474148
LS26 0DY 8 1 53.74925 -1.473899
LS26 0EA 10 2 53.748763 -1.473511
LS26 0EE 54 0 53.748141 -1.473185
LS26 0EF 5 0 53.752217 -1.476198
LS26 0EG 24 3 53.749372 -1.475372
LS26 0EH 13 0 53.751005 -1.476577
LS26 0EJ 43 1 53.751606 -1.478268
LS26 0EL 28 0 53.747836 -1.473356
LS26 0EN 10 0 53.751325 -1.475723
LS26 0EP 21 0 53.750699 -1.474275
LS26 0EQ 18 0 53.751175 -1.476438