all postcodes in LS28 / PUDSEY

find any address or company within the LS28 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS28 6EZ 17 7 53.807289 -1.662108
LS28 6FS 1 1 53.80747 -1.649792
LS28 6HD 10 0 53.809614 -1.657898
LS28 6HE 7 7 53.807834 -1.657791
LS28 6HL 2 2 53.808568 -1.657517
LS28 6HN 1 1 53.808441 -1.659457
LS28 6HP 23 0 53.809371 -1.657657
LS28 6HQ 3 2 53.807471 -1.660457
LS28 6HR 19 0 53.809995 -1.659095
LS28 6HS 15 0 53.809939 -1.658199
LS28 6HT 3 0 53.809543 -1.661301
LS28 6HU 1 0 53.809472 -1.661605
LS28 6HX 10 0 53.809425 -1.6608
LS28 6HY 10 0 53.809173 -1.660772
LS28 6HZ 4 0 53.809301 -1.661424
LS28 6JA 6 0 53.80903 -1.660986
LS28 6JD 14 0 53.808744 -1.661656
LS28 6JE 1 1 53.80883 -1.660107
LS28 6JF 3 0 53.809095 -1.661836
LS28 6JG 2 0 53.808734 -1.662162