all postcodes in LS28 / PUDSEY

find any address or company within the LS28 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS28 6JJ 6 0 53.808414 -1.662357
LS28 6JL 3 0 53.808133 -1.661843
LS28 6JS 6 3 53.806935 -1.660714
LS28 6JT 7 7 53.805557 -1.660578
LS28 6JX 19 0 53.81011 -1.661448
LS28 6JY 12 1 53.809632 -1.660829
LS28 6LA 15 0 53.807448 -1.651477
LS28 6LB 24 0 53.806973 -1.651952
LS28 6LD 22 0 53.807431 -1.652055
LS28 6LE 1 1 53.803188 -1.657799
LS28 6LH 19 1 53.809585 -1.657246
LS28 6LJ 2 2 53.808928 -1.654416
LS28 6LL 8 0 53.809026 -1.656521
LS28 6LP 29 0 53.8094 -1.655136
LS28 6LQ 1 1 53.808794 -1.657039
LS28 6LS 18 0 53.809054 -1.653727
LS28 6LT 6 0 53.808916 -1.655687
LS28 6LU 3 3 53.80758 -1.650732
LS28 6LW 26 0 53.809459 -1.653739
LS28 6LZ 1 1 53.808288 -1.659185