all postcodes in LS28 / PUDSEY

find any address or company within the LS28 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS28 9EH 39 0 53.792032 -1.647977
LS28 9EJ 1 0 53.792129 -1.644439
LS28 9EL 24 0 53.791035 -1.648213
LS28 9EN 33 1 53.790785 -1.658234
LS28 9EP 8 0 53.790174 -1.661198
LS28 9EQ 42 0 53.792738 -1.649793
LS28 9ER 27 3 53.789828 -1.659729
LS28 9ES 8 0 53.791113 -1.659688
LS28 9ET 14 0 53.789556 -1.659018
LS28 9EU 58 3 53.790122 -1.655643
LS28 9EW 31 4 53.790564 -1.659495
LS28 9EX 12 0 53.789811 -1.657118
LS28 9EY 40 0 53.793618 -1.649497
LS28 9EZ 8 0 53.790609 -1.656216
LS28 9HA 30 0 53.790722 -1.655092
LS28 9HB 20 0 53.790604 -1.65441
LS28 9HD 6 0 53.790403 -1.653425
LS28 9HE 13 0 53.788866 -1.653346
LS28 9HF 18 0 53.788703 -1.652908
LS28 9HG 27 1 53.78818 -1.652244