all postcodes in LS28 / PUDSEY

find any address or company within the LS28 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS28 9LL 4 0 53.789879 -1.655752
LS28 9LP 6 0 53.786174 -1.654826
LS28 9LQ 1 0 53.78565 -1.650869
LS28 9LR 1 0 53.785253 -1.656715
LS28 9LS 1 1 53.791664 -1.651947
LS28 9LU 5 2 53.791883 -1.652274
LS28 9LW 37 0 53.784631 -1.659042
LS28 9LX 32 0 53.788807 -1.657764
LS28 9NA 34 0 53.785769 -1.657804
LS28 9NB 25 1 53.78618 -1.65393
LS28 9ND 28 0 53.785238 -1.648338
LS28 9NE 14 1 53.782014 -1.643174
LS28 9NF 1 1 53.790845 -1.651543
LS28 9NG 18 0 53.800653 -1.654783
LS28 9NH 0 53.801625 -1.655154
LS28 9NJ 0 53.800468 -1.656044
LS28 9NL 0 53.78855 -1.655975
LS28 9NN 0 53.789459 -1.656605
LS28 9NP 0 53.789078 -1.65506
LS28 9NQ 0 53.801145 -1.65402