all postcodes in LS2 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS2 7PD 4 4 53.79823 -1.531252
LS2 7PF 87 1 53.801081 -1.538584
LS2 7PN 64 15 53.801723 -1.537792
LS2 7PS 22 5 53.801739 -1.536861
LS2 7PQ 17 0 53.803363 -1.536099
LS2 7PU 6 2 53.801513 -1.536928
LS2 7PX 2 2 53.801175 -1.535136
LS2 7QA 13 10 53.801535 -1.532946
LS2 7QG 10 9 53.802267 -1.532092
LS2 7QJ 3 3 53.802516 -1.53382
LS2 7PP 4 0 53.802062 -1.537105
LS2 7QN 6 3 53.80317 -1.533251
LS2 7QS 82 0 53.803279 -1.535265
LS2 7QT 1 1 53.802946 -1.535223
LS2 7QU 1 1 53.801731 -1.535271
LS2 7QX 44 1 53.799765 -1.535319
LS2 7QY 1 1 53.801304 -1.535924
LS2 7QZ 6 4 53.799545 -1.536672
LS2 7RD 2 1 53.799083 -1.536151
LS2 7RE 1 1 53.799371 -1.535824