all postcodes in LS2 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS2 7QQ 0 53.802816 -1.531838
LS2 7JF 6 53.797114 -1.540054
LS2 7DB 11 0 53.796173 -1.53841
LS2 7JU 19 19 53.794842 -1.540717
LS2 7ED 14 0 53.795986 -1.536529
LS2 7LB 46 0 53.803571 -1.534199
LS2 7AP 0 53.79478 -1.534528
LS2 7JB 1 53.798242 -1.539394
LS2 7AR 23 16 53.798229 -1.538422
LS2 7AS 1 1 53.798444 -1.538329
LS2 7AU 3 2 53.797888 -1.538532
LS2 7QW 74 0 53.800834 -1.537417
LS2 7AT 1 53.803139 -1.5339
LS2 7BJ 0 53.794646 -1.534621
LS2 7BL 4 1 53.796084 -1.537003
LS2 7BN 3 0 53.796074 -1.536761
LS2 8AA 1 1 53.804022 -1.544508
LS2 8AF 18 1 53.803344 -1.545821
LS2 8AE 1 1 53.804022 -1.544508
LS2 8AJ 37 17 53.803657 -1.54469