all postcodes in LS3 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS3 1AA 1 1 53.800447 -1.559012
LS3 1AB 61 40 53.801028 -1.556231
LS3 1AD 20 6 53.800996 -1.557234
LS3 1AH 2 0 53.801386 -1.55811
LS3 1AJ 3 0 53.801215 -1.558021
LS3 1AP 57 1 53.801801 -1.558668
LS3 1AQ 4 4 53.801358 -1.557347
LS3 1AS 26 1 53.80281 -1.561021
LS3 1AT 17 0 53.802179 -1.558265
LS3 1AU 9 0 53.802035 -1.55819
LS3 1AW 21 0 53.800934 -1.55928
LS3 1AX 13 0 53.801864 -1.558025
LS3 1AY 11 0 53.802896 -1.56014
LS3 1BB 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS3 1BQ 53 0 53.801163 -1.560553
LS3 1BS 5 5 53.803029 -1.567598
LS3 1BT 11 0 53.803604 -1.561879
LS3 1BW 31 0 53.802429 -1.560023
LS3 1BX 90 0 53.802779 -1.563045
LS3 1DA 36 0 53.802812 -1.564195