all postcodes in LS5 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS5 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS5 2AB 13 1 53.816596 -1.591103
LS5 3AB 4 4 53.811776 -1.598409
LS5 3AE 5 5 53.812646 -1.601153
LS5 3AL 3 0 53.815411 -1.60243
LS5 3AP 15 8 53.812624 -1.605542
LS5 3AQ 21 12 53.814968 -1.601644
LS5 3AR 2 2 53.814283 -1.606984
LS5 3AS 6 3 53.814614 -1.600402
LS5 3AT 9 1 53.814297 -1.599797
LS5 3AU 2 0 53.814322 -1.599633
LS5 3AW 7 4 53.81491 -1.601025
LS5 3AY 35 0 53.812789 -1.597518
LS5 3AZ 35 0 53.813202 -1.597515
LS5 3BA 23 0 53.813316 -1.596724
LS5 3BD 2 1 53.815655 -1.597995
LS5 3BE 15 5 53.816437 -1.599883
LS5 3BH 3 2 53.815826 -1.600743
LS5 3BP 1 1 53.815592 -1.608002
LS5 3BT 21 21 53.813481 -1.606475
LS5 3BU 9 0 53.814007 -1.599162