all postcodes in LS5 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS5 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS5 3EA 21 0 53.813576 -1.61285
LS5 3EE 1 1 53.814849 -1.609026
LS5 3EF 18 0 53.817372 -1.600224
LS5 3EJ 1 1 53.823136 -1.606245
LS5 3EL 50 0 53.824031 -1.605098
LS5 3EN 17 0 53.82242 -1.604475
LS5 3EP 15 0 53.821984 -1.603112
LS5 3ER 20 0 53.820346 -1.60252
LS5 3ES 6 0 53.820361 -1.601486
LS5 3ET 26 0 53.819387 -1.600675
LS5 3EU 18 0 53.819718 -1.600095
LS5 3EW 6 0 53.82285 -1.604228
LS5 3EX 10 0 53.819474 -1.599824
LS5 3EY 23 0 53.819267 -1.599507
LS5 3EZ 28 0 53.819141 -1.599508
LS5 3HA 2 0 53.818267 -1.599474
LS5 3HB 1 0 53.818224 -1.599547
LS5 3HE 58 0 53.818824 -1.598949
LS5 3HF 17 0 53.818109 -1.597316
LS5 3HG 33 1 53.817336 -1.597338