all postcodes in LS6 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS6 3BE 21 0 53.819493 -1.578999
LS6 3BG 55 1 53.81901 -1.579794
LS6 3BH 1 0 53.818979 -1.578503
LS6 3BJ 62 2 53.816269 -1.577284
LS6 3BN 48 0 53.814885 -1.577329
LS6 3BP 8 1 53.816937 -1.578159
LS6 3BQ 32 0 53.819776 -1.580166
LS6 3BR 35 10 53.816081 -1.580617
LS6 3BS 24 0 53.81938 -1.577587
LS6 3BT 1 1 53.815649 -1.58302
LS6 3BU 1 1 53.817449 -1.580462
LS6 3BW 64 0 53.814483 -1.577849
LS6 3BX 63 0 53.814402 -1.580493
LS6 3BY 12 0 53.814857 -1.582113
LS6 3BZ 14 0 53.813774 -1.578251
LS6 3DA 20 0 53.814633 -1.579777
LS6 3DB 16 0 53.814805 -1.580003
LS6 3DD 74 0 53.816188 -1.579639
LS6 3DE 18 0 53.814918 -1.578847
LS6 3DF 28 0 53.815582 -1.578719